Writing is of vital importance in everyday life and it plays a central role in our communication with others. Being able to express yourself well on paper/ via electronic means can serve you well in various situations. Some examples might include sending emails, contacting companies, applying for a job, keeping a blog, completing a course for work or further education, and many more. Here are some ways in which you can hone your skills in written English to improve your communication skills:
- Practice. It’s true that practice makes perfect, and by writing on a regular basis, you’re going to get better naturally.
- Pay close attention to spelling. Errors will stand out, so check any words you’re unsure of in a dictionary and proofread you work when you’re finished.
- Ask others to check your writing. They will be able to spot things which you might have missed yourself.
- Change your tone of voice depending on the situation. Writing to a friend will require a very different tone to writing to a manager.
- If you’re writing by hand, ensure that your letters are neat and legible. Don’t smudge the ink and don’t rush.
- Make use of spellcheck software if writing electronically. It will help you to pick out errors and will offer suggestions to correct them.