Structuring a Dissertation

A dissertation is likely to be one of the longest academic texts you will ever produce, and it will require extensive planning to ensure that your writing is structured, well-balanced and meaningful. If you allow yourself to get carried away and write too much without a solid plan in place, your work will come across as disorganised and important considerations may be left forgotten. A dissertation is often around 10,000-15,000 words long and will be split up into several chapters. The number of chapters you choose to include will depend entirely on what you are writing about – your tutor … Continue reading Structuring a Dissertation

Learning How to be a Better Writer

Being a good written communicator is very important for people from all walks of life. It can be beneficial in many different ways, helping you in your everyday life as well as at work. Here are some different ways to go about becoming a better writer: Practice as much as you can. As with anything, your writing will improve the more you do it. You’ll start to be able to write more naturally, use more diverse vocabulary and work at a higher speed. People who are good at writing tend to have done a lot of it. Learn the rules … Continue reading Learning How to be a Better Writer

Does the Use of Technology Hinder Children’s Language Skills?

The integration of multiple technological devices into everyday life poses a difficult problem for teachers. Many of these devices allow people to communicate across various platforms, meaning that children are frequently writing in non-formal situations which allow for colloquialisms and non-standard sentence constructions. How will this affect their ability to write accurately? Using social media and messaging apps to correspond is an extremely informal mode of communication and the danger is that many people won’t be concerned with their spelling or grammar in these situations. It’s even possible to send images and emojis to convey meaning, giving the written content … Continue reading Does the Use of Technology Hinder Children’s Language Skills?