Are Brand and Content Closely Related?

Branding and content are very closely related within a business. There’s always the possibility of making the two work together better, even if you think your business has really cracked it. Anything that affects your brand will also have a bearing on the content you are creating, and vice versa – both are entirely to do with the perception of your business to the outside world, so they’re intrinsically linked. It is helpful for businesses to think of all content under the general umbrella of brand. It is part of your identity, and the things you’re writing about, discussing and … Continue reading Are Brand and Content Closely Related?

How to Write in your Tone of Voice

Every business will have their own tone of voice, even if that tone of voice is simply ‘professional’. You will need to find ways of creating and crafting your own tone of voice so that it is recognisable to people when you write in that style. There are many different tone of voice ideas out there and you can take the ones you like and put them together to make something unique. If you are creating a new tone of voice, it’s best to write it down so that people know how to recreate it in future. You can write … Continue reading How to Write in your Tone of Voice

Content for your New Business Website

Businesses need websites to succeed – this is a well-acknowledged fact about business. If you are having a new website built or you are refreshing your current website, you will need content that is written to convert. This needs to be written by someone who understands your business but who also understands marketing and the customer journey, so they can help optimise your website. It is usually best to hire a copywriter to craft the copy for your website. It can actually be useful to have someone new writing about your business, as the business owner will have their own … Continue reading Content for your New Business Website

Putting Together a Business Bid or Tender

A business bid or tender is a way of winning business for you, and as such, it needs to be well written. You need your writing to be completely accurate, and you need to be using the right type of language to achieve the results you want to achieve. When you submit a tender, it will need to outline all the ways in which your business is right for the contract. You should use highly professional language, as well as good imagery, demonstrating the ways in which you can meet the needs of the contract. Make sure you have your … Continue reading Putting Together a Business Bid or Tender

How to Become a Better Copywriter

The words in your marketing sell your products, so if you want to make sales, you need to be using the right words. This is where copy comes in. Copywriting is the skill used to write all the words in all you marketing materials, so it is something worth mastering – the results will make a big difference to your business.  One of the main things to do to begin building your skills is to attend a course. This will give you the fundamentals of good copywriting, so you can begin improving your skills once you have finished. A good … Continue reading How to Become a Better Copywriter

Providing Good Written Feedback

If you work in an academic or business setting, it’s likely that you will have to give written feedback to students, employees and colleagues. There are certain ways of providing this feedback which will gain you better results, which will be discussed in this article. Be concise. The more you write, the less likely people are to absorb it all. Consider using bullet points to break your comments down into easily-digestible chunks. Don’t be over-critical. If you want to get the best out of people, adopt a positive tone and provide constructive criticism which offers a clear pathway to improvement. … Continue reading Providing Good Written Feedback